Remembering Lee Kuan Yew - Thank you - The nation with you in your final journey - See u in heaven

Remembering Lee Kuan Yew - Thank you - The nation with you in your final journey - See u in heaven
Presented to you by Property Smart Investor- A Real Estate Online Education and Discussion

Monday, 24 September 2018

What is Gross Floor Area (GFA), Strata Area, Build-up Area and Build-in Area

What is GFA?

GFA = Land Size (Plot size) x PR (Plot Ratio)

Gross floor area (GFA) measures the bulk and intensity of a development for the purposes of plot ratio control and computation of development charge. Using this GFA concept, the owners or developers are free to determine how much neutral areas they want to provide in their buildings.

All covered floor areas of a building, except otherwise exempted, and uncovered areas for commercial uses are deemed the gross floor area of the building for purposes of plot ratio control and development charge. The gross floor area is the total area of the covered floor space measured between the centre line of party walls, including the thickness of external walls but excluding voids. Accessibility and usability are not criteria for exclusion from GFA

URA Gross Floor Area Handbook
URA Gross Floor Area Handbook PDF



What is Strata Area or Strata Size?

The word Strata means Share. Many strata units sharing the same Land or Plot.
Only for build up blocks like HDB Flat, Condominium, would use Strata Area.

Strata Area = GFA + All the followings

Strata Area is the size of individual units all add up together. This is where the Developer take advantage of the following to made more money and make than enough profit for themselves.

The following are things included in the Strata Area (Size) that was not included in the GFA when developer bought the land from GLS or En-bloc

* Strata Private Void Area

- Strata void areas in condos: How to avoid ‘paying for air’
Strata void areas graphic illustration by SLA. Making dollars and sense of void areas in a Strata Development. PDF

* Strata Private Balcony Area (Add 10% of GFA)

-  Bonus Balcony Area. Generally about 10% of the GFA
Revision to the Balcony Bonus Gross Floor Area (GFA) Scheme for Private Non-landed Residential Developments to Promote Higher Construction Productivity – Changes to Phase Two Conditions
Strata void areas are getting more rampant in B1 Industry Building and Private Condo

Balcony generally refers to those located in between ground floor and roof terrace.

* Private Enclosed Space (PES)

Private Enclosed Spaces (PES): Are you paying too much for them?
PES normally refers to Ground floor only

* Strata Private Roof Terrace
Roof Terrace generally located at the highest floor or Penthouses

Generally, the PES and the Roof Terrace are Capped at 10% of GFA (Add 10% of GFA)
The URA has reviewed the guidelines and will now count PES and private RTs for non-landed residential developments as part of the bonus GFA capped at 10% above the master plan control.

* Strata Aircon Ledges Area

Setback of RC and Air-Con Ledges for Landed Housing (PDF)

Close loophole that allows developers to charge for space, say buyers and experts

What is Build-Up Area or Build-In Area?

Build-Up Area or Build-In Area normally can be used interchangeabilly. It is used for Landed Properties only.

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